Healthysport: Discussion about Health as we Age

How To Enjoy Life as we Mature and Retire


So this is 2013 and I am not about to discuss with you what everybody has been discussing at the start of every new year about dieting and losing weight. Diet and Nutrition is like fashion. The same basic principles and philosophies are already well known. We just sort of re-design them year in and out. Dieting is like clothing, we all need a trouser or a shirt and it’s the job of the designer to make them appear cool to get our attention and urge to wear them. That holds true with exercises.



A new exercise program appears in the horizon carrying a new label or name but seriously, how many ‘new’ exercises pop up every year that we buy but are really same ol’ same ol’ ? They are all the same and their only ‘newness’ may be due to accessories or new guru presenting them. It’s all about marketing.

And being the cheap human being that I am, I am presenting a different spin to dieting and exercise. And how different is it? Well, it’s based on me. Yes, my friends, what I will be sharing with you is all about what I have done and am doing to maintain my weight. As an introduction, I am fifty years old and my ideal body weight, based on my BMI is 169. In the last year I was within the range of 165 to 172. I do not have magic formula to maintain that range except an active work (my job as a PT makes me move a lot everyday). I run regularly though NOT last year. I go to school at nights twice a week. And I go through the regular stresses that everyone goes through.

My ethnic background makes me eat healthy. I don’t equate my ethnicity to healthy food but I was brought up chewing and stomach-ing anything.Especially vegetables. I give thanks to my father who literally ‘forced’ me to eat all these foods growing up. I remember hating fish, oysters and other seafoods and almost any green leafy vegetable. I don’t know how he did it but today, I pretty much take in any vegetable I find in the market especially those familiar to my taste. And these are the same food I will demonstrate here. Now, I do not suggest you cook and eat what I do but this might give you an idea about your own background in healthy food. Maybe you grew up in the country and you remember all the food your Grandma served that was healthy. This is the best time to re-try it. And you can even put a spin in it.

Anyway, let me start with something I call ‘calabaza con carne. It’s time to get yellow.
1. A cut quarter of Spanish calabaza (.99 cents)
2. Pork meat (carne, $3.45) which I sliced.
3. A box of leaf spinach ($1.15).
4. Onion and garlic and salt to taste.
5. Eat the dish with some little rice.

The result is this one:calabaza dish


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